الأربعاء، 26 سبتمبر 2012

Pay Per Click (PPC) - What is it and How dose it Work

The term “Pay Per Click,” or PPC, is one advertisers and business owners toss around a lot. Most people have minimal knowledge of PPC. Most think it sounds like a good idea, but will have no idea how it works, what it entails or if PPC is right for your business’ digital marketing strategy.

What is Pay Per Click Marketing?

PPC is a powerful online advertising blueprint in which your business will pay only when a user clicks on your ad. You see PPC ads every day on search engine sites like Google and Yahoo!. It aims to place your ad high on the search engine results page through incorporating keyword rich content specific to your business. Overall, the objective of your PPC campaign will be to drive targeted traffic to your site.

How does Pay Per Click Work?

Instead of forking over a large, flat rate feel like you do for traditional advertisements in magazines or on television, PPC simply requires you to pay up every time a user clicks on your ad. And with our Keyword Analysis Report, we can ensure your PPC campaign will incorporate the specific keywords your target consumers are already using. In the end, your prospective customers will find your business first and will be attracted to your website during the critical moments in the buying cycle.

Pay Per Click Management.

Thanks to our value added tracking tools, you can ensure you monitor where every cent is spent and continue to measure your ongoing results. If used correctly and under the expertise of a digital marketing consultant, your business’ PPC campaign can prove to be both cost effective and a one-of-a-kind tool in boosting the targeted volume to your site.
Receive $100 Today From WSI & Google ...Get it NOW  

Written by: WSI Corporate

الأربعاء، 19 سبتمبر 2012

The 1-2-3’s of Landing Pages

It is typical for people to jump into landing page development without first establishing a clear digital marketing strategy, and then confirming the purpose of their landing page.  Most landing pages have no clear purpose and not surprisingly, they don’t perform as well as intended.  Let’s start with a few questions you should ask yourself before your landing page is developed.
 Is the content you’re planning to use for your landing page critical?
Much of the content on a typical website is not critical and thus should not be included in a landing page.  Some possibilities that fit this category are company mission statement, bios, job openings, and investor relations.  The most critical actions you want your landing page visitors to take are Call Us, complete a form, download our whitepaper, sign up for a free trial, etc.  If there is content that you feel will not add meaning to your desired action, don’t include it.
Who is your desired Landing Page audience?
Here are some possible visitor groups:
Ø  Prospective Clients
Ø  Current Clients
Ø  Strategic Business Partners
Ø  Media
Ø  Potential Investors
Ø  Employees
Many landing pages attempt to address the needs of all these groups, even though one group may be more important than another.  Your landing page should be developed for your most critical audience.  You should also consider building multiple landing pages if you have more than one critical group.
Understand the Desired Conversion you want to occur
Your desired action may not necessarily be to process an order.  Typically conversion actions are mini-actions that eventually may lead to an ultimate sale.  That sale may occur at a later date as you help your prospects down a path to conversion.  The most important criteria for your desired conversion is that it must be measureable.  Examples include download or print, subscriptions, click-through, form submission, phone calls and of course purchases.
Take the time to think through your Landing Page strategy and you will be rewarded with conversions!

Written by: Alison Lindemann
 WSI consultant 

الأربعاء، 12 سبتمبر 2012

Top 3 Tips for Your Business’ PPC Campaigns & Landing Pages

In spite of the size of your business, its industry or the nature of your digital marketing strategy, I am sure that we can all agree on one thing:
There is very little point in spending money attracting people to your company’s website if your pages aren’t doing the job properly!
Poorly implemented pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns and ineffective landing pages will give you nothing but a high bounce rate, a nonexistent ROI, and pathetic conversion rates. So rather than wasting precious time and money (for both you and your online customers) here are 3 of my PPC campaign and landing page tips to that will work to boost your conversion rate and turn online visitors into paying customers.
3 PPC & Landing Page Tips to Attract Your Online Customers
1. Actually create a landing page!
It might seem simple enough, but using your site’s home page as your landing page is one of the most common mistakes among business owners on the Internet. Leading visitors to your home page forces them to have to search through pages and pages (…and pages) of your website to try and find the product or service you’re promoting. And if there’s one characteristic common among all Internet users, it’s that they have very short attention spans. If it’s not convenient and easy, your online visitors will lose patience, get distracted and go elsewhere.
It is much easier and more effective to create small landing page that is not a website! It will show your customers exactly what you want them to see; it will hold their attention and, ultimately, will be more likely to bring in the sales.
2. Create the relationship between your landing page and your PPC ad.
Many business owners make the mistake of creating an extremely generic landing page. Realistically, you should have a specific, distinct landing page for each of your paid ads. The fact of the matter is that someone clicked on your link because they were interested in the specific product or service in your PPC ad. So, correspondingly it’s very important to create a landing page with specific information and messaging pertaining to that product/service.
3. Make it appealing to hold visitors’ attention.
Creating a confusing and unorganized landing page is another very common mistake that many businesses make online. Whether offline or on the Internet, selling a product or service demands that you be as clear and as precise as possible. Keep your landing page simple, organized and professional. Some factors to consider might include clear call-to-actions or buttons, minimal navigation, or easy-to-scan copy.

Written by: Ron McArthur ,WSI consultant